Hi, After playing with a document on a Windows server using the built-in samba in OS 10.2.5, and doing the same using a wintel computer, I have concluded the following: (1) Finder/samba has no way to set or get the privileges on the Windows server. (2) When using the Finder's Get Info to view Ownership & Permissions of a document on a Windows server, it ALWAYS says: Owner jk (me) Read & Write Group wheel Read only Others Read only regardless of what are the document's actual permissions. (3) Whenever I write a document using Finder/samba to a Windows server, it will always be written as "inherit permissions from parent". Does anyone know if this is true? I can't find any confirmation in the Apple Knowledge Base. Also, I still have a license for DAVE I haven't used since Jaguar seemed to make it unnecessary. Does DAVE support Windows permissions? Jerry Krinock San Jose, CA USA