On Saturday, April 26, 2003, at 03:48 PM, Kevin Stevens wrote: >> > > Again, what do you mean by "indexing"? Please provide a stepwise > procedure by which someone can replicate your problem. Machine specs > are also relevant at this point. I'm using a 17" PowerBook with > remote IMAP mailboxes. At the left hand upper corner of the "in" window it says "2978 messages", to which is often added "sorting messages" and taking its time then "indexing messages" then "Updating index", "Writing changes to disk". All the while Mail is extremely sluggish in responding to deleting messages as I read them, or opening up messages which I click on. Once these activities cease, Mail is fairly responsive. Of course maybe it was just all the damn programs I've had running simultaneously. 500 MHz iMac, 1 gig memory, OS 10.2.5 Patrick Draine