On Nov 30, 2003,, at 10:38 PM, Leon Sargent wrote: > If there a program or some terminal commands I could use to change the > Cron times to sometime other than 3 in the morning. I have my > computer to shut down at 3am. > > Lee > > > - Here is what works for me At terminal type in sudo pico /etc/crontab <Rtn> It then asks for your password Type it in and <RTN> The Crontab Table will display Use the TAB key to move the cursor Be careful . First try to lookkup Pico in Apple Help or (?)( I have a book on Mac OSX) .It does not work like a word processor. That is, you must use the Tab to move the cursor and must place the cursor in "funny" positions to delete and change an entry. Also To delete text : <Control> <d> To Save : <Control> o <rtn> To exit <Control> (x) good luck if you are not unix-terminal oriented (like me!) albert