[X Newbies] Mail.app embedded photo

James S Jones jsjones at mac.com
Tue Dec 2 14:39:40 PST 2003

Are you looking for the location of where the .Mac user photos go when 
they're d/loaded to your hard drive? If so, you'll find them in 

The photos are named with the email address of the particular user. If 
you want to view them as a picture, drag a copy to the desktop and add 
.jpg to the end of the file name. It should then open in Preview when 

One thing to note about the cache: if a user already has an image in 
your Photos cache, Mail will use the cached file, even if they have 
updated the pic on .Mac. To get new pics, you can delete all the image 
files in the Photos folder.

On Dec 2, 2003, at 1:33 PM, J wrote:

> On Tuesday, December 2, 2003, at 04:16  PM, John McGibney wrote:
>> Try forwarding the email message to yourself. When I get one of those
>> imbedded pictures I try to forward it. This usually adds the picture 
>> as an
>> attachment that can be saved. I've done this in Entourage and Outlook
>> Express. I don't recall if it worked in mail.
> Cool. Will try it thanks.

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