Hi, I"m trying to upgrade my firmware, as advised in the manual, before upgrading from 9 to osX Currently I have "boot rom 4.1.3f2", and was attemping to upgrade to 4.2.8. I attempted to upgrade and was unsuccesful. here's the problem I ran into: After pressing and holding down the proper button on restart and following the instructions I got a line command screen. "Welcome to open firmware, the system time and date, ... etc. to continue booting type "mac boot" to shut down....etc. After typing in the "mac boot" , the computer booted up, but I received a message "your power mac was not updated, review instructions and begin again." Which of course I did and I got the same message again, and again. etc. Any ideas? I have a : G4 466mghz Digital Audio machine id 406 (if this is pertinent) Thanks, John Park