Ah, html mail. When my father gets it using OSX and Mail, the pics show up in glorious color. But when he goes offline, the pics disappear. Why is this? Pics from some friends are still visible after disconnection, but images in the Earthlink newsletter appear as little grey squares. He finds this disconcerting. I assume Mail has no image cache as does the browser? Some friends' mail also has images that disappear and become pink or grey squares. I told him if he really wants these images, take screen shots :@* But that's just me, doing workarounds as usual. If I could look at the html code beneath the email messages, I think I'd know what the problem is. But it doesn't have a View Source option as do the browsers. Most likely it's that the pics that stay are attachments and the ones that go are linked from a remote site but don't actually download to his hard drive. Dunno why some email would do this because folks download their mail, disconnect so another family member can use the phone, and therefore will never see the pictures at all ... Of course, I never see pictures, because I have Eudora and refuse to view photos in email!!! Anne Keller Smith Down to Earth Web Design G4 733mHz (OS X.2/Classic) | Graphite iBook 333mHz (OS 9.0.2) mailto:earthpigz at earthlink.net http://www.downtoearthweb.com