I have a G4 400 mhz 512 meg ram, I have tried for 2 days to install OSX and it fails no matter what I do. I have 2 hard drives a WD 40 gig 7200 rpm and Quatum 20 gig 7200 rpm I tried them a single drives and then partitioned 8 then 6 then 4 gig for the boot install still not go at the last 3 minutes it fails samething happens on both drive no matter how they are partitioned.. I am booting from a cd with no OS on either drive.. Drives are always set as master...and always the same error that failed to write and always the last 3 minutes I have tried selective custom install and full install what gives PLEASE HELP Randall --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.490 / Virus Database: 289 - Release Date: 6/16/2003