On Thursday, Jun 19, 2003, at 14:43 US/Pacific, Albert W D'Amanda wrote: > > I am on web site www.cnn.com: Home Page > Use Finder -File-"Save As" : destination is to my Desktop: > Close Safari > Open up Folder icon on the Desktop > Full home page , graphics and text are displayed > Yor problem could be a function of the specific Web Site or your ISP > I was able to use Safari>File>Save As.. and copy home pages cnn.com and netscape.com and get all of page including pictures. Went to news.google.com and did not get pictures, just text and blank boxes. Final test was I went to http://www.macattorney.com/tutorial.html and did a 'save as..' and did not get anything above "Presented by Randy B. Singer" loaded to my desktop, no Jaguar picture, no furry X, no title bar, no MacMall advertisement. I may need to bring OE to my iMac down the road, but I'll wait until Safari goes out of beta. Thanks for your help. Konrad. --------------------------------