At 8:35p -0800 2003.02.12, Jerry Krinock wrote: >Well, I did it again. Synchronicity. So did I. Got onto my train, flipped her open and... ><snip> >I remembered that I had connected to a Windows server via the built-in Samba >(OS 10.2.3) and forgot to eject it before I left my day-job. I'd used DAVE. Same difference. > >Sometimes after doing this, if I leave the computer alone it will discover >the problem after about 10 minutes and give me a StopAlert saying that "the >server blah-blah has disconnected". Then it is back to normal. Other >times, I end up doing a force relaunch on the Finder, a logout or a restart. >Today it took a restart. Likewise. Cost me six minutes plus the time I spent hoping it'd just timeout _before_ doing the restart. Plus the time to get the apps back up just as I needed them. > >First of all, I'd like to comment that I think this is due to really bad >design and I hope Apple fixes it someday soon. It's a fact of life that >computers are connected by radio and/or wires and that these things often >break, and that remote servers sometimes shut down, and therefore any >communication protocol should be designed to recognize when links break and >gracefully get on with life after a short timeout. Amen. And the really sad part is that a similar flaw existed even with connection to TCP/IP under OS 9. >Second, seeing that we are stuck with this until at least OS 10.2.4, does >anyone know of a reliable way to manually tell this thing to give up on a >disconnected Samba server? One thing that definitely does not work is to >try and eject it in the Finder after it's been disconnected. Clicking on a >disconnected Samba server seems to increase the panic. None of which I'm aware. I really wish that there was a panic button which would present aan opportunity to do drastic things that one might absolutely want to happen, no matter how inadvisable. CMD-OPT-ESC does it for running applications. Perhaps it could have a tabbed interface and have a tab for shares, another for print jobs, another for copy/moves. Just allow me to make it go away, interrupt everything when I say so, and let me tell you what to do. Dammit <g>. Speaking of which, that was my 2nd restart in one day - I opened a folder containing notes and tips, mistakenly CMD-a, selecting all, then dragged to the desktop. I really omly intended to drag one item onto DevonThink in the Dock but alas. One thousand, eight hundred and eighty-one items onto the desktop! It took 55 minutes before I could get things back to normal. But that's a story for another day... -- 'tis as said. [Reality is defined by being described]