> From: Stephen Foster <foster at pop.ca.inter.net> > > Within the next six months I plan on getting a new Mac and also > changing from Norton to Disk Warrior. If it only boots in X then the > current Disk Warrior won't be of any use as it boots in 9. By the time you buy the new machine there will be an X version of DW. It's expected almost any time now. > Also, does anyone know if the new version will still be useful > for older os's? Thanks, Stephen Good question. No idea, but I imagine that Alsoft will include the OS 9 version on the disk (in new retail copies anyway) for those buying it for 9-bootable machines. _Chas_ Moderator, rec.arts.drwho.moderated FAQ: www.thecabal.org/~radwm/radwm-faq.txt Charter & Styleguide: http://www.thecabal.org/~radwm/ Discussion group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/modish/ Quotefile nominations: radwm-quotefile at thecrazyones.com