I'm able to print to a HP 8000 PCL printer without any problems via the network. This may sound silly, but can you be explicit about how you send a print job to the printer? Perhaps list down the steps that you took... Thanks in advance, Mark. Thanks in advance Mark. I hope you can help me straighten out this problem. 1. Yes I am configured on the windows network and yes I am getting an IP address from the DHCP server. I can also confirm this at a terminal window by typing ifconfig. 2. I have confirmed in Print Center that I am using IP Printing and the correct IP address for the printer is set. I can also ping the printer from the terminal window. When I send a print job to the printer it comes out as Postscript. I checked the drivers for the printer I am using (a Brother 2640N, not a Postscript printer) and the drivers are all for the Postscript models. Am I limited to only printing to a Postscript printer? What about HP models? Can I print to a PCL printer?