Thanks to all who gave me so much useful help on this topic. I realize I should have entitled this post "Conceptualizing OSX System, App & File Structure" not Desktop. If I'm dragging this out, just don't answer this post, I'll figure it out, wink-wink. I'm thinking OS9 was linear, from Hard Drive all the way down to a single file. Is OSX more like a web site, with interlocking nodes? Maybe I should sketch my OSX setup like a web site hierarchy with lines indicating what you see in the various places (Desktop, Home, Computer, Favorites, Applications, Dock). It's not a one-to-one correspondence, some things show up in more than one place. I'm used to each thing on my hard drive showing up ONCE, with the exception of aliases. I had it set up very neatly, everything in the hard drive and only current stuff that gets backed up and moved off on a regular basis sitting on the desktop. I'm assuming I'll be doing the same on OSX, and/or it is the same on OSX, I just don't quite have it clear in my mind yet. Again, we don't have to talk about this all summer. I shut up on this topic now. Let me work with the many excellent suggestions you've given. Anne Keller Smith Down to Earth Web Design G4 733mHz | Graphite iMac 333mHz mailto:earthpigz at 10MB emailbox limit/send no attachments.