At 12:15 PM -0400 5/12/03, Jon Warms wrote: >The third way to select the app that opens a document is to drag the >document's icon over the app's icon, and - after the app's icon darkens >- drop the document on the app. When I do this with my mystery document named "P4250199.JPG 1" I get "could not open because it is not the right kind of document." My renamed version without the space and 1 on the end opens just fine using your method. Thanks for the tip, another useful thing I didn't know previously. The other thing that's making me crazy was I thought jpeg was a sort of universal format that would open in any brower and any bitmap program. In a related note, last year a client sent me a whole CD of jpegs exported from his video camera on a windows machine I couldn't open. He sent me another CD after we discussed the problem. It seemed this was because the program he had for importing the images from the camera was exporting jpegs in a proprietary Microsoft format for that program only. Why can't a jpeg just be a jpeg? Anne Keller Smith Down to Earth Web Design G4 733mHz | Graphite iMac 333mHz mailto:earthpigz at 10MB emailbox limit/send no attachments.