I may have stumbled on the problem with intermittent mail failures and have hope it will be fixed. I just downloaded a new iChatAV thinking my old one was dying, but this week I was also noticing something that had never happened before - I cannot maintain audio chat for more than 20 seconds without having packet loss and disconnect. So, I had two people I couldn't stay connected with, chat with each other and it worked.....therefore telling me it was MY connection. I just called the cable company and they did detect packet loss and will send someone out to see if my cable was cut at the street once again. I could go out with a flashlight and check, but it's too dark and scary for me to go out there without packing right now, so tomorrow is not that long a wait. I do political websites and I have been slashed before by the opposition.......this will be the third time if it's true. Other than that, I'm just happy Comcast realizes that something is wrong on their end. I usually have a stellar connection.