On Tuesday, October 28, 2003, at 10:13 AM, Vard Nelson wrote: > It could be that the power surge just fried some part of the interface > board. During the last 2 1/2 years we have lost 3 firewire drives. 2 > had > the box flame out, one had the hard drive crash. Sounds like $59 for > a new > enclosure might solve the problem. > I've had problems as well with firewire enclosures. Had one go out recently. Also had another problem.. which is a bit aggravating. have a firewire enclosure that would not mount running OSX 10.2(what ever version was before 10.2.8 no matter what I did. I updated to the first 10.2.8 upate.. and all of a sudden the firewire drive worked ( this was one of the claimed fixes in 10.2.8) anyway.. after upgrading to the second 10.2.8 update, the drive no longer mounts again.. Panther is the first OSX update that I haven't been "all over" usually I'm getting these updates the day they are released.. due to circumstances beyond my control :-) I haven't bought panther yet. but hope to soon.. but all these reports about firewire drives going out have me bothered.. not to mention all the countless other bugs I'm hearing about.. but again, that's probably all i'm going to "hear" about.. don't hear to many "works great for me" messages :-) Kansas