On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 11:17:46PM -0400, Leigh Seaver wrote: : : I 've been having a problem lately. I frequently set up my mac for : overnight file transfer and for several months it has been running : without a hitch. Now, recently (say, within the past couple of weeks) : my internet connection has been terminated during the wee hours of the : morning with a message that "Mac OS has Reset its Networking". This : doesn't happen every night, but perhaps once every three nights or so. : I find it irritating as I lose several hours of file transfer. : : Any ideas on what this is? Can I change some preference setting to : stop it? Are you sure it's OS X that is prematurely closing your network connection? It could be an issue with your ISP. -- Eugene Lee http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/