On Wed, Sep 24, 2003 at 11:25:01AM -0700, Kevin Stevens wrote: : : On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Deb Hagen wrote: : > : > Why can't there just be a checkbox to "disconnect after getting the : > mail" like I used to do in Outlook Express? I don't want to : > "disconnect if idle" because that's what my ISP does to me if I take : > too long reading a particular Web page before clicking again. I use : > the same method as Paul: start up OS X Mail & internet connection, then : > go make coffee. It seems that OE wins in this category, IMHO! : : Because you, or other users on your computer at the same time, or : background processes you have scheduled to run at certain times, may be : using the connection for something else. Mail has no way of knowing this, : and no authority to yank the connection out from whatever else might be : using it. But Mail.app is working on behalf of the user, who may (or may not) know absolutely when the connection is in use and for what purpose. I wonder if it's possible to write an AppleScript that launches Internet Connect to get a dialup connection, then launches Mail.app to download mail, and finally disconnect the dialup connection. -- Eugene Lee http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/