On Wednesday, Sep 24, 2003, at 17:18 Canada/Eastern, Eugene Lee wrote: > Should the user really > need to understand the difference between an app and the underlying OS? > And if the procedure to accomplish a task becomes complex, is it the > role of the user to adapt to the computer? Or is it the role of the > computer hardware/software maker to adapt to the user? :-) Should the user really need to understand the difference between the brake pedal and accelerator pedal when driving a car? I don't think so; ideally, I should be able to drive a car just by thinking about driving. Doesn't work this way, though, does it? Yes, I agree with you, the whole paradigm of computers, in which the human has to adapt to the machine, rather than the other way around, is -- or should be -- discarded. The problem is that it's much easier to get the human to adapt to the machine, than to make a truly adaptable machine. And, in this regard, the computer industry is still somewhere in the early Neolithic. f