On Apr 4, 2004, at 2:12 PM, Noel Westerlind wrote: > I can't move it from the left side of the right monitor. > It is stuck on the right side of the monitor. Its pinned. > The close, expand and minimize buttons are also gone. > Here is a screen capture of the problem. > http://homepage.mac.com/noelwesterlind/PhotoAlbum20.html > You will notice that the eBay Internet Explorer Window > can move anywhere on either monitor. > > http://homepage.mac.com/noelwesterlind/PhotoAlbum20.html > Thanks, > Noel Two possibilities: 1. Change your screen resolution. See if the window is moveable. Change back to original resolution when done. 2. Select the window by clicking on it - it should now be 'active'. Since you still won't be able to reach the title bar or buttons, close it by using 'apple-w' on the keyboard (hold down the apple key, and press the letter w). Now open a new browser window (File -->New Window from the menu bar, or 'apple-n' on the keyboard). Quit Explorer, then relaunch it. Hopefully,any new windows will be in a more normal position.