: :Rhetorical, my foot. Of course you know that's the one question you'll :get most answers for. I'll try to give you a slightly different one. : :Think of Mac OS X as a cruise ship. Deep in the bowels there's the :engine, the core without which the ship is just a hunk of metal. On X, :that's the Mach kernel. Next, there're all the shafts and cranks and :machinery around the engine that transmit the power to the propeller, :supply it with fuel, generate the electricity to run :everything else on :the ship -- that's the BSD subsystem, or the "Unix" part of the Mac. :Together, and with a few other bits and pieces, they form Darwin, the :OS X ship's power plant. (Incidentally, Darwin is free, and :can also be :installed on other machines than Macs). Relying on all that is the :graphics subsystem (Quartz, QuickTime, etc.) and the application :subsystem (Cocoa, Java, etc.). That's the ship's crew -- they make the :ship run, and you see them here and there, but you don't have much :direct interaction with them. And, on top of it all, there's Aqua, the :graphical user interface -- that's the captain and the purser and the :stewards, all dressed in spiffy uniforms, speaking your language and :offering to carry out your slightest wish. : :Now, some people are perfectly happy with that. They want something, :they tell the purser, and the purser tells the steward, and :the steward :tells the crewman, etc., and eventually they get what they want. Other :people prefer a more direct way. They speak the language, they :know the :proper word for every crank, shaft, knob, or button, so they go :directly to the mechanic who runs the powerplant and tell him :precisely :what to do. In other words, they use the Terminal. It's certainly :faster -- _if_, that is, you do know how to talk to the :mechanic -- but :it can also end up with the ship on the rocks, holed below the :waterline. : :f : I must say that is the best explanation/argument for the prescence of terminal in OS X I have read/heard to date. Raoul