On Mon, Apr 26, 2004 at 07:28:36PM +0100, Chris Walker wrote: : : I normally use ftp to transfer files to web pages but decided to try : SFTP with Transmit 2.6.2 with X3.3 Unfortunately this gives 'unable : to connect to server' although it is OK with straight ftp on the : server's port 21. : : Some questions: : : Is SFTP the same as SSH? Nope. But SFTP runs on top of the secure tunnel created by SSH. : What is the 'normal' port for this? Anarchie tries to connect via Port : 22 for SFTP (same port as SSH?). Same as SSH. See above. : The IANA listing of ports gives 115 as the registered SFTP port. Different service. Port 115 refers to *Simple* File Transfer Protocol. SFTP (a la SCP, SSH) is *Secure* File Transfer Protocol. Nowadays, people refer to SFTP as the latter. : if SFTP is the same as SSH then do I need to do some port mapping to get : through the firewall, or is this only if I am trying to remote access my : own machine rather than upload files to a remote server? It's not the same. But since it runs over the same port, all you need to do is make sure your router/firewall/etc. has port 22 open. : I'm probably getting a little (read a lot!) paranoid about security :-) That's not a bad thing. :-) -- Eugene Lee http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/