On Aug 5, 2004, at 07:24, Mark Des Cotes wrote: > In Eudora I was able to "Get Info" on the "attachment folder" to find > out how many kb/mb of memory the attachments were taking up. I'm not > sure where to look in Mail. Hi Mark, Mail keeps the attachment with the message (as it should, IMHO), not in a centralized "Attachments" folder like Eudora. Therefore, it's a bit tricky to figure out just how much the attachments are taking up by themselves. You can see how much space each mailbox is taking up, though. Someone else may have the nice & GUI way, but I couldn't find one easily [Mail 1.3.8 (v618)]. To find the size of mailboxes that are resident on your computer, hop over to your home directory > Library > Mail > Mailboxes. I do this in Column view with "show item info" enabled, so I can see a nice list of all my mail boxes. When I click on a particular one, it shows me how large it is. Again, this is the size of all of the messages and the attachments together. If you just want the total size of all of your mailboxes, then just go a "Get Info" on ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes If all your mailboxes are on an IMAP server, then I don't know the answer to getting the size. I have a little Applescript icon that appears in my Mail menu bar. I ran the "get size of IMAP mailboxes" script from it and it eventually results in an error, so I didn't find out how big my IMAP mailboxes are on the server. ^ ^; Anyway, I hope this helps a bit. I know it doesn't exactly answer your question, but it's close. -- Gretchen