On Feb 19, 2004, at 3:44 AM, aussieblnd wrote: > If you want your battery to hold a good charge and take care of it > properly > ..........use it. > This means use it, such as drain it then recharge..... drain....... > recharge.. etc... > Half charge and then recharge will cut the life of your battery, > batteries > are not usually under apple care > There are so many theories about batteries and preserving the life. If this is true, and I am not saying it's not, why isn't there more common knowledge of it? I have not heard the half charge thing before. As far as the original poster's concern over AppleCare, I would not be without it on any new Mac. Especially a PowerBook. You get 3 years of free repair and most people I know have needed at least one repair over those 3 years. The cost of the AppleCare can be justified in one repair alone. The speed of repair, courtesy and knowledge of the people you speak to and the whole process is made as painless as possible. My experience anyway. I had the logic board, power supply and battery replaced last year on my Pismo. In 3 days it was gone and back. One thing, make sure you have a good backup plan and keep the backup up to date. Apple will charge for backing up your data if you don't have that. Greg