On 1/24/04 1:52 AM, "Charles Martin" <chasm at mac.com> wrote: > I coulda SWORN this was a feature of 10.2 and not just 10.3, but I > can't remember now so I'll stand corrected. Thanks. > > PS. Even so, Appleworks 6 -- which CAN read and write Word docs under > 10.2 and earlier -- came on most if not all consumer Macs, so she could > use that if it's on her machine. > _Chas_ I'm sure about TextEdit. However, you are missing one point about AppleWorks: people like me who have OLD iMacs (a 350MHz blueberry slot loading) got AW5, and many of us never upgraded to 6. It can read old .doc files, but not some newer ones. Good news is, with lots of memory, this old iMac works *fine* with OS X 10.3.2 Panther. I had to get Office X for work, but I understand why people want to avoid it. One big issue with Office X is that it is *not* a Cocoa app but a poor Carbon version, so it does not allow Services in OS X. That is a real limitation when you get used to using a large number of services in X. I think that people who rarely need Office would do well to keep their old Classic version of office just for compatibility purposes and use AW, Mariner, Nisus, etc. -- Bruce ____________________________________________________ B R U C E K. klutch-at-erols.com