In your mail account preferences, which smtp server is listed? To find this information, assuming you are using, choose Preferences under the Mail menu. Select your account in the account list. Under "outgoing mail server (SMTP)," what is the name of your server? I ask this because your e-mail address is in the earthlink domain. That usually implies that you are using earthlink's smtp server, since many smtp servers to not let one send e-mail if the e-mail address is not within the ISP's domain. So even if you are hooked up to the internet through comcast (or adelphia), when you send an e-mail with an e-mail address (e.g. jane at, you won't use comcast's smtp server, because it will refuse to send your message, you will use earthlink's smtp server. Now earthlink won't accept the mail unless you send it to the address listed in the link I sent you in my last message. It will only accept e-mail at the standard smtp server if you are connected through their network (earthlink dial-up or earthlink dsl). To send authenticated mail through a comcast account, see this page: < name=17798&cat=Email&subcategory=Mail%20(Mac)> Note these instructions will only work if you are sending mail using a address! One other option for you is to enable your postfix mail agent and set up your own e-mail delivery system on your roaming computer. The advantage is that you can send mail from just about anywhere and not worry about authentication. The downside is that some recipient mail systems refuse mail from a server that isn't registered. This is a bit above what should be discussed on a Newbies list, so I won't go into any further details. Just letting you know that it is possible. Norm Norman Cohen nacohen at "Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable." John Kenneth Galbraith On Jul 27, 2004, at 5:46 PM, Jane wrote: > Thanks Norm, but I use Comcast cable. The radio station uses Adelphia > cable. > Their network that I join simply is named belkin54g > It connects to this TiBook seamlessly and my picks up all > accounts. > I've looked up's smtp verbiage but that did not work.