On Jul 27, 2004, at 10:17 PM, Norman Cohen wrote: > In your mail account preferences, which smtp server is listed? COMCAST cable except for the mac.com address. > To find this information, assuming you are using Mail.app, choose > Preferences under the Mail menu. Select your account in the account > list. Under "outgoing mail server (SMTP)," what is the name of your > server? I ask this because your e-mail address is in the earthlink > domain. That usually implies that you are using earthlink's smtp > server, since many smtp servers to not let one send e-mail if the > e-mail address is not within the ISP's domain. So even if you are > hooked up to the internet through comcast (or adelphia), when you send > an e-mail with an earthlink.net e-mail address (e.g. > jane at earthlink.net), you won't use comcast's smtp server, because it > will refuse to send your message, you will use earthlink's smtp > server. Now earthlink won't accept the mail unless you send it to the > address listed in the link I sent you in my last message. It will only > accept e-mail at the standard smtp server if you are connected through > their network (earthlink dial-up or earthlink dsl). > No, each account uses Comcast's smtp. But the wi-fi setup has cable via Adelphia I think...but maybe not. It just feels superfast. It was set up by the radio station, I just saw it and opened up my Ti and used it. I actually had brought the Ti in for sound FX. > To send authenticated mail through a comcast account, see this page: > > <http://faq.comcast.net/faq/answer.jsp? > name=17798&cat=Email&subcategory=Mail%20(Mac)> > > Note these instructions will only work if you are sending mail using a > comcast.com address! But the problem is not that, it's what to use with these other networks. I would have to know their ISP service name and smtp verbiage I guess. > One other option for you is to enable your postfix mail agent and set > up your own e-mail delivery system on your roaming computer. The > advantage is that you can send mail from just about anywhere and not > worry about authentication. The downside is that some recipient mail > systems refuse mail from a server that isn't registered. This is a > bit above what should be discussed on a Newbies list, so I won't go > into any further details. Just letting you know that it is possible. Yes I know it is...I use the server all the time but not for email, just to present php. :-)