Why did Apple degress and remove the ability to print directly from the finder anyway? Of the what seemed to be one of the "little" things that made the Mac OS better than Windows was removed with OSX.. along with Folder labels. Panther is getting back on track with the labels, but I still prefer the "Folder" label and not the entire line... the entire line is too intrusive and discracting when trying to quickly scan a directory... And no, I don't like installing Haxies to replace what Apple so ignorantly took away. There are quite a few others I'd like to gripe about, but it will do no good anyway :( -kevin >From: Alex <alist at sprint.ca> >Reply-To: "Mac OS X Newbies" <X-Newbies at lists.themacintoshguy.com> >To: "Mac OS X Newbies" <X-Newbies at lists.themacintoshguy.com> >Subject: Re: [X Newbies] Printing a list of items >Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 09:26:56 -0400 > > >On Tuesday, Jun 1, 2004, at 04:37 Canada/Eastern, Gen Hadlow Mac Impact Dbn >wrote: > >> [...] I don¹t have BBEdit - not sure what its used for, is it a >>freeWare? > >BBEdit is most definitely not freeware -- it's one of the most powerful and >versatile GUI text editors available on either Mac or Win, and it comes >with a price tag to match. > >BBEdit Lite is freeware, but it is no longer developed or supported ><http://www.barebones.com/products/bblite/index.shtml>. The last version, >6.1.2, works just fine with Jaguar, but I don't know if it's been tested in >Panther. Otherwise, I strongly recommend it. > >As to the original question, "How does one print a list of the contents of >a folder in system X", the simplest is copy and paste. Open the folder in >list view, open all enclosed folders (if any) -- opt-right arrow -- select >all, copy, then paste in the target application (e.g., TextEdit). > >Alternative solutions are to use a text editor with this function, such as >BBEdit Lite, or a disk cataloguer, such as CDFinder. The utility you are >using to burn your CDs may offer its own options. And, if you feel >adventurous, you can sample the thrills of Terminal: > >$ls [path] > ~/Documents/file_list.txt<return> > >($ stands for your prompt -- you don't type it, <return> for the Return or >Enter key, and [path] for the path to the item -- folder, CD -- you want to >list. You don't have to type the path, just drag-and-drop the item to >Terminal and its path will be inserted automatically.) This will create a >text file with your list in your Documents folder. You can modify the list >with various options of the ls command (man ls in Terminal for details). > ><0x0192> > > > >---------- >Check out the Mac OS X email list FAQ >http://www.themacintoshguy.com/lists/X.html > >To unsubscribe, E-mail to: <X-Newbies-off at lists.themacintoshguy.com> >To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to ><X-Newbies-digest at lists.themacitoshguy.com> >Need help from a real person? Try. ><X-Newbies-request at lists.themacintohguy.com> > >---------- >$14.99 Unlimited Nationwide Mac Dialup and Mac Web Hosting from your Ma ISP >Serious Mac Internet Solutions From NineWire! http://macinternetacces.com > >DVIator | Run Dual ADC displays on your G4 or just one on an older Ma! >Dr. Bott | <http://www.drbott.com/prod/DVIator.html> > > Support | Support this list by clicking here before you buy! > this List | http://www.themacintoshguy.com/support.html > >OS X News, Dr.Mac, Forums, Tutorials, Tips, Hints, FAQ?s - >http://www.oxfaq.com _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself with the new version of MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/