[X Newbies] Mail

W Lane wilann at telusplanet.net
Thu Mar 18 07:58:07 PST 2004

On Mar 18, 2004, at 08:46, Gregory Cortelyou wrote:

>> Greeetings folks...
>> I have a MAIL question for you all... I have my current account set 
>> up, but  old "account" seems to still be in there somewhere as well. 
>> When on occasion my .mac will not send outgoing mail it asks if I 
>> want to revert to my old outgoing account...
>> Is there anyway I can delete that old account? It does not show up in 
>> accounts in preferences...

Are you running Panther? If so, in preferences>accounts>account 
information go to the bottom and select 'outgoing mail server' and then 
from there 'edit server list'.

In Jaguar you can do the same thing but it involved a script and was 
not NEAR as intuitive (to the point that I've forgotten exactly where 
the script is located)

TiBook 667mhz 512MB RAM
Gigabit Ethernet, Superdrive
OS 10.3.3  Build 7F44

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