On Tuesday, Mar 23, 2004, at 13:57 Canada/Eastern, Louis Cornelio wrote: > sorry, I meant AUDION not audio > > <http://www.panic.com/audion/> I tried Audion some time ago (v3.09, IIRC). Not too bad in terms of features, but it was crashing with distressing regularity. And since iTunes offered what I needed, there was little reason to try it further. > so cool, yes it DOES edit mp3! I don't know how Audion edits MP3s (perhaps someone who does can enlighten us), but I suspect it works in a manner analogous to how Photoshop edits JPEGs. That is, it converts MP3 to an editable format in RAM or to a temp file, then, after editing, it recompresses it to MP3. In other words, pretty much what other audio editors do, but in a manner transparent to the user. And the same problem obtains: with every open/edit/save, the sound quality deteriorates, because of the "lossy" nature of MP3 compression. Of course, the extent to which the deterioration matters depends on the listener's ear, the quality of the original recording, and the bit rate. Like JPEG, MP3 was designed as a final delivery medium, not an editable format. f