I have a similar problem with Mail displaying an old photo on mail I send to myself. I have deleted the photo from of the folder and still it pops up on my messages. I have gone through a bunch of restarts, defrags, permission checks, you name it. Still Mail choses the photo that I first used in my Address Book, and of course that was the first thing I changed. Anyone know where the Address Book stores this stuff? I checked Preferences without luck. Thanks, Carter >>> iCal keeps sending alarms to my old email address... I've eliminated >>> all the references I can find for it... where is iCal getting this >>> from? Any ideas? >> >> You must have a repeating event that you don't see. It only sends >> alarms >> when you've set them, and it sends them to the address you've set. Try >> setting iCal to month view and see if there's anything there.