On Sun, Oct 10, 2004 at 04:02:23PM +0700, Aldo Johnson wrote: : : Is there a good Download Manager for the Mac? : : I've got a dial-up connection, and the phone line is infamously : flaky. I would connect well, but then my connection would collapse : and my mac would say something along the lines of "Your connection : has been interrupted because the other side is not responding" : : So is there a download manager which could resume downloads even : after the connection was cut off? : : There are several out there like Platypus and Monica (I think that's : the name?). Which one do you think is the best for my particular case? I'm not the person to ask about this kind of stuff. But it might help if you mentioned what kind of downloading you do. Is this downloading done via web, ftp, irc, nntp/Usenet, or one of many file sharing apps? -- Eugene Lee http://www.coxar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/