Try this version I just got from the macfixit site: property systemList : {¬ "", ¬ "", ¬ "fontTablesAnnex"} property localList : {¬ "501:Classic.fcache", ¬ "501:Local.fcache", ¬ "User.fcache", ¬ "Classic.fodb", ¬ "Local.fodb", ¬ "User.fodb", ¬ "FondResourceCache"} tell application "Finder" set versionFinder to version as text end tell if versionFinder starts with "10.3" then set localCaches to ("" as alias) as text set systemCaches to ((path to "boot") as text) & "System:Library:Caches:" tell application "Finder" repeat with name in localList try delete file (localCaches & name) end try end repeat repeat with name in systemList try delete file (systemCaches & name) end try end repeat end tell end if > This is in reference to John McGibney's post response of 10 April: > Hello John: I read your inputs a few days ago where you were responding > to someone's "slow Start Up." You also recommended running an Apple > Script, which I tried, but it gave me an error right at the beginning > of the script after clicking Compile. > I did as you recommended: "In order to run this script, simply open the > application Script Editor > (located in Applications/AppleScript on a standard installation), > create a new file, paste the above script, click "Compile" then click > "Run." You will be asked for your administrator password several times. > > Any thoughts or ideas. > > Thanks in advance and regards, Bob -- QUOTE OF THE DAY: If stupidity got me into this mess, than why the hell can't it get me out? -- "The difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein -- Every day, man is making bigger and better fool-proof things, and every day, nature is making bigger and better fools. So far, I think nature is winning.