I am looking for an easy way to spell check non-default languages in Mail and Safari. I use both Mail and Safari for e-mail and often write notes or phrases in TextEdit, Stickies, etc. all of which I use in a number of languages: English (of course), Danish, Bahasa Indonesian, Russian, etc. I have installed CocoAspell http://cocoaspell.leuski.net/ which works well, but is rather clunky as you first have to go to the Edit menu, then to Spelling and again to Spelling and then choose the correct dictionary from the list. Also, CocoAspell doesn't have a Bahasa Indonesia dictionary. I know there are other apps out there like Excalibur (which I am unsure if it still is being developed) http://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~excalibr/excalibur.html , but I believe one has to go through a similar process. Isn't there a way to more easily/elegantly switch between the dictionaries in various languages that Apple provides, for people who are at least partial polyglots like myself? I could imagine that a series of Apple Scripts combined with a keyboard command might do the trick, but I have no experience with Apple Script myself. Any ideas from anyone? Cheers, Brian