I have been trying to play DVDs, but no luck so far. The Apple DVD player is out of the question as I have purchased legitimate DVDs in a number of countries that I have lived, which means that I of course have DVDs from different regions and the Apple DVD player is hobbled so that I can only do this 5 times before it selects a region for me based on which DVDs I play. Windows Media Player can't find anything to play for some reason. MplayerOSXB8r4 gets in some sort of loop when I choose a Video TS folder and VLC seems to have some sort of sound issue on my machine, i.e. very loud, static and can't really make out the actual sound track I am using a G5 1.8 GHz. single with OS X 10.3.9 installed. Altec Lansing speakers plugged into the mini jack socket. VLC 0.8.1. and North by Northwest on DVD. Any ideas? Cheers, Brian