John Park said: >wow! that's a great price. >>> Even better, you can currently get one for only >>> $424 after rebate! >>> >>> Brother HL-2700CN Since I am being quoted, I thought that I should offer a caveat. While the Brother HL-2700CN is a dynamite printer, and this is an unbelievable price for it, it will never do photorealistic prints as well as a good inkjet. No color laser will. Inkjets have higher resolution, brighter inks, and they can print to glossy paper, all of which can give you output that is almost indistinguishable from an actual photograph. You will always be able to tell that the output from a color laser isn't an actual photograph. So, I recommend that you check out a test print from a Brother HL-2700CN from a local Staples, Office Max, etc. and see if the output suits your needs before you purchase one. Please let us know what you think. Randy B. Singer Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions) Routine OS X Maintenance and Generic Troubleshooting