I purchased a 19 inch flat screen CRT monitor for $100 a year ago, and I've seen that price several times since. I don't think a 17 inch CRT is worth $100 today. After all, this is a CRT, not a flat panel, and a diagonal measure of 17 inch includes the black surround screen. The diagonal of the viewing area will be something like 15 inches. (Unlike the flat panel screens, where the diagonal measure is all viewable screen.) (NY-NJ prices) Jon On Jul 25, 2005, Richard ramsowr <r.ramsowr at sbcglobal.net> wrote: > Does anyone out their have any experence using a > Insignia C170 17-inch Flat Screen CRT Monitor with a > Mac G4 such as a QuickSilver? Overstock has them for > under a $100.00 >