On 15/6/05 Alex wrote: >Vincent's explanation is to the point. I'd add only that your router >should have a static DHCP function, which is what I'd use. This is what I do on my own network. What I was really getting at was using a fixed one, albeit one within the permitted range, on a network rigged to use DHCP. The potential trouble arises when I connect to someone else's network, which does use DHCP. I can set up another location on my machine and that's no problem, but I would like to use a fixed IP if I could and wondered if it would cause trouble. One other point after Vincent's excellent explanation. Most domestic routers come with the 192.168.x.x range, but can they be setup to use one of the others - say 10.0.x.x? I realise this is probably getting beyond a newbie's comprehension... Chris