On 18/6/2005 2:56 AM, "Alex" <lists at lexial.ca> wrote: > (1) Startup Items. Obviously, you have plenty of stuff there. So reboot > or log out and log in with startup items disabled, then try again. See > > <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=151952> > <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=106756> > > (2) Permissions. So you need to check the permissions for ~/Library, > for ~/Library/Preferences, and for any other folder where Toon may wish > to install files. > > (3) Fonts. Mac OS X makes > extensive use of caches, and especially font caches. Removing fonts > from the Fonts folder may not have removed the problem, if the > corruption is in your user font cache. The font caches can be cleared > with FontFinagler, but maybe it's best to use a tool such as Onyx to > clear all user caches. > > So here's what I'd do. (a) Check permissions (I don't think that's the > issue, but -- hey, I've been wrong plenty of times). (b) Move fonts as > before. (c) Use Onyx to clear user caches. (d) Reboot and log in with > startup items disabled. Try Toon again. Alex, partial success, rebooting without startup items allows ToonBoom to launch and operate normally. Also the .plist file exists now in main user account. Interestingly, rebooting with startup items enabled also allows ToonBoom to launch now, but it crashes a few seconds after all the tool palettes, canvas etc have loaded. Permissions are read and write for both library and font folder, sorry I didn't make that clear in my last answer. As to clearing font or user caches, I was uncertain from the Onyx website exactly what product to get for clearing caches so submitted and info request to find out more. Presumably you would recommend something specific, presuming you still think this is a path to follow in light of the above info regarding startup items. --------------------------------------- Extra Info about my startup items: --------------------------------------- Start up items listed in my main account: ABF Hotkey iCal Alarm Scheduler Window Clock wClock Launch! SpeechSynthesisServer Stickies Caplio Startup iTunes Helper Shadow Clipboard Quicksilver Quicksilver Yes, Quicksilver is there twice. Microsoft Database Daemon The only items I have added manually are the clocks, everything else appeared there automatically. Most recent additions: Quicksilver (about 4-6 weeks ago) ShadowClipboard (about6-7 weeks ago) Caplio Startup ( 6 months ago) (for my camera) wClock (9 months) Of these the Shadow Clipboard has become very important, it's brilliant, like it to remain a startup item. Quicksilver I find hard to understand so is far less valuable at this stage. BTW though it appears twice, each entry has a different path: Caplio mounter could conceivably be manually launched if possible. -------------------------------------- Extra info that is probably irrelevant to this case: -------------------------------------- I have another problem for the last 6 months which I have not gotten around to troubleshooting. Booting from TechTool CD with C key depressed is impossible. Previously had done a monthly maintenance program especially for the partition with OS 9. Techie friend had blamed problem on OpenFirmware password (though that had not been a problem during the previous 6 months with OF password.)As I rarely use OS 9 and OS 10 seems to need less maintenance... And I've been busy... I mention this only due to the (admittedly unlikely) possibility of this being another symptom of a single problem. ------------------------------------ Is it your theory now, that the problem is in the start-up mechanism, or one of the apps in the start-up list? Or perhaps simply too many start-ups? Would it be enough to just remove items one at a time, attempting to launch Toon Boom each time? Or do you think I need to keep pursuing the font option? Your help here is very much appreciated. Tony