Hi all I could use a little direction and some advise on a 'desktop" question. I'm currently recoving from my first and only "kernal panic" ...and I sure hope it was my last! So I guess one could say that my confidence was a little down and I starting to second guess myself ...and that not a good feeling or a good action. I just got my mac back from the shop (apple) and yes It's working again ...some wha that is! but my CD was DOA. I have a QuickSilver 733 Mhz with max out ram 1.5 Gb and two 40 Gb hard drives plus a zip drive and I'm using OS X 3.8 on the first drive. They was able to save most of my data I did have my data saved on "carbon copy cloner' ...but it wasn't much help. I have some problems getting the system back up and in order and when I'm sure I've got it working again ...I will made a 'zip" copy of my date and try to reboot ...but thats for next week (or weekend). The most noticeable issue is the only thing show up on my desk top are the hard drive icons ...no ther folders. True to form when I open my home page all od my data is there ...i.e. the 'desk top" but when i rey to move the folders from the "desktop" folder the system tells me i can not add or change the desktop. I have checked and found that all the locks are off and all the files are read/write. when i was moving the data back to drive #1 from drive #2 I had just moved the files from one drive to the other use "point and drag" i'm guessing I have missed up the desktop so what should i do? please kept your answers simple ...because i'm feeling a little simple minded these days rick W