Sorry, used the wrong email address first time so it didn't get through. On Mar 14, 2005, at 02:00, Brian Durant wrote: > Is OS X as > unstable as some people make it out to be? No. Rock steady in fact. > Programs can't be killed > cleanly, etc? Haven't heard that one. > I saw a demo G5 at a shop here in Jakarta where the tech > guy in trying to find the terminal app crashed 4 programs running and > couldn't kill them seperately, but had to reeboot 2 times!!! NOT a 'tech guy' I would suggest. People with NO knowledge of X that I have convinced to switch from various flavors of Windoze have not even done that sort of thing. Therein, I think, is the one and only 'danger' of X. Because there is a command line interface readily available people who feel the urge to impress others read a bit about it, absorb even less of it and leap in. Imagine opening the hood on your Ferrari and beginning to 'tune it up' armed only with a hammer, vice grips and no manual. > Not > exactly an advertisement for OS X, but on the other hand I have seen a > lot of weird stuff in XP (2K is usually more stable) as well. Any > comments/advice to satisfy my pre newbie curiosity are greatly > appreciated. You'll be most pleased with it. Don't go messing about customizing the interface and such for at least the first while. That way, if you do run into trouble, you've got a stock system to trouble shoot. Some folks run right over to their favorite shareware site and install every doo-dad and zing-bang they can find. Then, when a problem creeps up, who knows what they've used to reset things. -- William Lane Calgary, Canada via Mac OSX - Mail