On Mar 19, 2005, at 05:19, Brian Durant wrote: > I am curious as to which utilities, etc. people are using in OS X. > Norton SystemWorks, nope > Drive 10, nope > TechTools Pro, nope > Norton AntiVirus, nope > Virex, nope > Virus Barrier nope > , und alles. > Coming from OS 9, I don't really know if any > of these are necessary anymore or not, particularly on a brand > spanking new G5. What is hype and what is fact? DiskWarrior - the single best tool to have in your tool kit, and even then I've only used it once in such a long time that I can't recall the last time. Apple's own included Disk Utility Preferential Treatment - shareware, repairs preference files. MacJanitor (or any one of a large number of other similar utilities, all very good, all with advocates) That's it. In a nutshell, X just runs. Period. In part because the operating system itself is so complex (by that I don't mean hard to use but rather that there are, you will find, bits and pieces of it seemingly everywhere) I pretty much just leave it alone. Some folks dive in and start messing with things, making invisible files visible, finding files that they just wonder what they do etc. And then, either by intent or mistake they start playing with these files. BAD idea. OS9 and earlier are comparable, in my view, to the old Model T. In a pinch you could use aunt Mabel's for a fan belt. Nowadays cars are way beyond that and are usually best left 'untinkered'.