> From: Cornett <cornett at gol.com> > > X-Noob Listas Gurus All > G'day to All Sorry Bill, I couldn't make heads nor tails of your post. A combination of unclear writing and bad formatting made it impossible for me to read beyond the second sentence. Might you want to try again, using TEXT this time? I'll try my hand on the one question I think I sort of understood: you have a saved bookmarks file from Safari (which would be called "bookmarks.plist") and you want your new copy of Safari to "see" it. If I understand the problem correctly, here's one solution: 1. Open Safari. 2. Go to File -> Import Bookmarks 3. Point to your old "bookmarks.plist" file. 4. You will now have a folder in your bookmarks called "imported bookmarks." Rearrange as makes you happy. If you'd prefer to get rid of all your "current" bookmarks and replace them with the "old" set, here's another procedure: 1. Locate your User Folder. 2. Inside there is a folder called Library. 3. Inside it is a folder called Safari. 4. Inside there is a file called bookmarks.plist. Remove it and put it in the trash. DO NOT EMPTY THE TRASH. 5. Take your "old" bookmarks.plist file and place it where the "new" one was. It should go without saying, but OF COURSE Safari should not be open while any of this is going on. 6. Open Safari. If your "old" bookmarks appear, you can empty the trash. If they don't, write again and we'll go from there. _Chas_ Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most people use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are inferior to McDonald's.