[X-Newbies] Re: Safari 2.0.1 Comments

Charles Martin chasm at mac.com
Tue Sep 6 09:02:47 PDT 2005

> From: baronbl at comcast.net
> To add to the above:  http://www.49ers.com causes Safari to crash
> every time I try to access it.
> No problem with Firefox.

I have no problems with that URL on my machine. Must be on your end.

My suggestion to anyone who's having trouble with a recently-updated  

1. Go to /Library/Receipts.
2. Locate the file called SafariUpdate-2.0.1.pkg.
3. Move this file to the trash. DO NOT EMPTY THE TRASH.
4. Open Software Update, and it will ask you if you want to update  
Safari. You do.

This forces a "reinstall" of the 2.01 update, which should clear up  
any problems. If you want, repairing permissions/clearing caches  
using a tool like OnyX is probably not a bad idea to do either.

Once all that's done, you can empty the trash. Enjoy.

PS. This basic procedure can be used to "reinstall" any update that  
came via Software Update.


Claiming that the Macintosh is inferior to Windows because most  
people use Windows is like saying that all other restaurants are  
inferior to McDonald's.

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