Part of the problem is the inclusion of previous responses in the email. The other problem is when someone, like myself, is using a HTML-enabled email client, like Gmail and email out. Everything gets bulked up without adding any real information in the email. When I turned off "rich formatting/html" in the client and cut down on the duplicate portions of the email I'm responding to, my emails got through. I wonder if 5KB only applies to be body and not the header information? Wing. On 4/25/06, Mark Des Cotes <mark at> wrote: > I agree with a limit but I'm wondering how well it's being monitored > and is 5 KB too low? Just looking at this thread alone most of the > messages are over 5kb. I have messages from... [snipped] > Vincent 5.2 KB > Eugene 5.8 KB [/snipped] > According to these stats only two of the messages should have been > allowed. -- Wing Wong wingedpower at