On 11/21/06, Robert Ameeti <robert at ameeti.net> wrote: > At 3:57 PM +0100, 11/21/06, Brian Durant wrote: > > >but the real issue is still the arbitrary size limitations on postings. > > Wouldn't that be arbitrary? If someone can send a small HTML message, > should they be restricted from doing so? > > >It is the size limitation of postings and the uncertainty of whether > >your posting will be too large or not and therefore withheld that is > >the main issue for debate here. > > When you send non HTML messages, all uncertainty should be removed. > It is highly unlikely that you will be too large if you trimmed your > reply. You want certainty in your life? Choose plain text. Life can > be so very simple. So far you have neither addressed the issue of bloated list owner content in every message (as has been posted a number of times earlier) nor have you explained how I or anyone else on the list can be certain that their messages don't get withheld until further review by the moderator. Maybe cutting down on some of the extraneous list owner content would decrease the server load. There are very few postings on this list as the norm, so I can't understand how overloading the server would even be an issue. Brian