On 07-Jan-16, at 1:44 AM, Brian Durant wrote: > What the #*%! is going on??? Is there a solution? Has anyone come > across anything as weird as this before? There is a thread on Macintouch here which, while referring to iLife '05 may shed some light http://www.macintouch.com/readerreports/ilife05/topic2262.html that talks about this issue, including Spider Mann A reader wrote: "The replacement iLife 05 DVD that Apple sent still does not work on my dual 2.5 GHz PowerPC. The disk won't mount and is ejected. However both copies of the DVD mount on my older dual 1.42 GHz G4 PowerPC. I guess I will call Apple Support again." This user needs to take their G5 to an Apple Authorized repair center for checkout. My 1.8DP G5, and many other G5 owners, have had dead or dying SuperDrives that need replacement. Apple's discussion boards are full of reports of this happening. My machine worked fine for about eight months, then all of a sudden it wouldn't read CDs. Then it wouldn't read DVDs. Then it wouldn't burn anything. It had the same clicking sound as the reader above. I took my machine in and, after having it shipped to Apple, had it back five days later. The new SuperDrive works perfectly and there has not been a single problem. Feb. 15, 2005 Chad I also can't mount the iLife '05 DVD in my PowerBook G4 (15" 1.5 GHz, Jul 2004, Matsushita UJ-825 SuperDrive). The DVD will mount just fine on my 3rd Gen iMac G4 1 GHz (Sony SuperDrive). I even copied the DVD on the iMac and the copy would not mount on the PowerBook! The disk doesn't spit out, it just spins a while and then stops spinning. A while back a friend gave me some pictures on a CD and didn't finish the session (I do not know what PC software she used). The unfinished CD wouldn't mount on the PowerBook but would mount just fine on my iMac. I'm wondering if Apple finished the session properly on these iLive '05 DVD's? As for my drive going bad, I just don't think that's it, or the copy would've worked? It seems like it has to do with the formatting of the DVD. I guess I'll have to call Apple.