On Jun 4, 2007, at 9:02 PM, Charles Martin wrote: >>> I suppose no actual HARM will come to you if you put your Word >>> files in the Application folder. >> >> Exactly. > > I'm not sure what point this proves, but if it makes you happy ... > it's still a dumb thing to do. To use an analogy, its like keeping your clean socks under the kitchen sink. Its not going to break anything, but if you have an emergency and need someone to find a pair of socks for you, don't be surprised if they come back empty handed. "Best Practice", as Charles indicates, means putting them in the documents folder. If you want to keep them grouped by application (one of the reasons I've heard for people doing this), create folders inside your "Documents" folder titled, "Word Documents" or whatever is appropriate. Don't bury them somewhere inside the /Applications/ Microsoft Office folder. Nobody but you will be able to find them, and if the Office suite needs to be replaced you may lose them all. On another note, if one wants to install apps so they aren't available to all users, I believe the recommended solution is to create an "Applications" folder within the Home directory and put it in there. -Mike