On Sep 12, 2008, at 12:51 AM, Luther A. Myrvold wrote: > So, is there any other genealogical software that I can use to port > my Gene data into? I think Gene is a complex data base with a > variety of graphic displays. I have spend countless hours entering > my family data, and I would hate to do it all over again in another > application. For amateur and professional genealogists alike, Reunion is generally recognized as the gold standard for Macintosh users. You can download a demo version from: http://leisterpro.com/ In the ReunionTalk forum: http://www.reuniontalk.com/index.php? using the search term "gene," I found this thread: ReunionTalk > Using Software & Hardware with Reunion > Gene file identification? A Reunion user, "dfilpus" with 71 posts in the forum, indicates a successful transition from Gene to Reunion by exporting a Gedcom. I believe that you, as a non-member, can run the same query and browse the forum. As for the forum itself, I doubt that one can find a friendlier group. The support mechanisms for Reunion are superb. In addition to ReunionTalk, Frank Leister has a team of people who weigh in on unique problems, even to working with files submitted by users. Good luck with your choice. Al Poulin