> From: "Paul Simpson" <psimpson_1 at msn.com> > > My wife has a MAC running "MAC OS X Panther Ver 10.3.9". Thanks for this info, it's very helpful. BTW, the term "Mac" is short for "Macintosh." It's not an acronym, thus it should not be capitalised. There's another computer term that uses MAC (all caps) so to avoid confusion, don't capitalise when you are talking about a Mac (of any kind) meaning the computer product from Apple. Ditto for iPod. :) > Her MAC's been working fine for the past several years but recently > she's > got a consistent problem with her keyboard. When she strikes the Q > key she > gets an A. This happens with numerous other keys. SO I went out and > bought > her a replacement keyboard. BUT when I connected the new keyboard and > checked it out, we get the exact same errors. Needless to say I > returned > the new keyboard. Any thoughts on how I go about fixing the > problem??????????? I think Carole has hit the nail on the head, and another keyboard layout has been accidentally invoked. If you don't see a flag of some kind in your menubar, just go to "International" in your System Preferences, click on "Input Menu" and make sure that ONLY the language you want to use is checked and no other. Cheers Chas