[X Servers] FTP Issues

Peter C.S. Adams adamsp at cs.umb.edu
Tue Aug 19 14:18:06 PDT 2003

Thus spake Rob <x4u at southernlakesnewspapers.com>, circa 8/19/2003 4:22 PM:
> I am trying to set up FTP on my OSX Server. I have it so that I can log
> in, BUT the login allows access to the root directory.

The FTP server in OS X is a PITA. I managed to set up Unix links (*NOT*
Finder aliases) to various directories in the appropriate directory, but
that's about it. Then when people log in, at least they get a choice of
places to go to, rather than having to know that they are in

I'm not in my office right now, but as I recall, that directory was
/Library/FTPServer/FTP Root, or something like that.

This behavior is unlike any FTP server I have ever used, and is very
confusing. I guess Apple is trying to emulate AFP and SMP logins?


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